Certification Practice Statements
On this page you will find the CPS of all certification authorities responsible for issuing certificates to end users within then the Ministry of Defense. These are three hierarchically ordered certification authorities.
CPS of certification authorities of generation 3
- CPS van de Staat der Nederlanden Root CA G3 (See PKIOverheid)
- CPS van de Staat der Nederlanden Domein CA G3 (See PKIOverheid)
- CPS for Ministry of Defense CA G3
- Summary CPS: PKI Disclosure Statement
- CPS Archive
The services of the Certification Authority, present CPS and by the Ministry of Defense for its certification services contracts are governed by Dutch Law. The links below refer to the applicable regulations:
Additional information about law and regulations on electronic signature can be found at PKI-Overheid/Wet- en regelgeving. TSP Ministry of Defense is certified by BSI. Click here for the certifications.